3 Steps For Creating A Persuasive Speech

We all know about the importance of public speaking, but why do we give speeches? The reasons vary, but more often than not we are trying to convince an audience to do something. This means that we’re going to have to deliver a persuasive speech. Before you can do that, you’re going to have to … Read more

Hey Public Speaker, Do You Want To Debate?

Not all speeches are equal. In fact, some speeches are much more dynamic and aggressive than others. One great example of this is a debate. A debate is a great way to show the importance of public speaking. In a debate, you can prepare for the discussion, but you can’t completely prepare for it. Instead, … Read more

Your Speech Is Not Over When You Are Done Talking

When is a speech really over? Is it when the last word has passed your lips? Is it when you step down off of the stage? It turns out that neither of these answers is correct. Your next speech won’t be over until your audience tells you that it’s over. Why What Happens After A … Read more

The Power (And Danger) Of Using Sarcasm In Your Next Speech

As public speakers who are constantly looking for new ways to connect with our audience, literary devices such as satire, irony, and sarcasm can seem like tempting tools to use. However, when it comes to sarcasm we need to tread very carefully – this is a public speaking tool that can come back to bit … Read more