What Makes A Speech A Good Speech?

If you are like most of us, every time that you get up in front of an audience you are desperately hoping that this speech will be a good speech because we understand the importance of public speaking. We’ve all given speeches that were not good – we didn’t connect with the audience and they … Read more

What Speechwriters Can Tell Us About Creating Great Speeches

Every time that we give a speech we are doing it for a reason. We understand the importance of public speaking and we want to connect with our audience and we want to change how they view their world. All that we have to accomplish this with are the words that make up our speech. … Read more

When Giving A Speech, It’s All About Structure

Ok public speaker, what is the most important part of a speech? Is it what you do with your hands? Is it the amount of eye contact that you are able to achieve during a speech? Is it the clever dance moves that you’ve worked into the half-way point in your speech to show off … Read more