Working through a translator can be either a frustrating or enjoyable experience. Many factors can affect the experience and the effectiveness of your communication. So, a good translator is worth their weight in gold. They can work wonders, navigate cultural minefields, and deliver your message entertainingly and enjoyably for the audience. However, as good as the translator is, a lot depends on you as well. Understanding the process of translation and some better strategies can go a long way to successful communication.
- Using a Translator for a Business Meeting: Using a translator for a business meeting might be the least complicated scenario. Business is business all over the world, so many of the expectations are the same. The problem you will face is finding a translator that can comprehend your terms and industry-specific details. If possible, you should try to hire a translator with experience in the field—there are translator services in every country. One example would be Global Citizens Czech Translations if you had needs in the Czech language. If you cannot find someone with industry experience, the next best thing would be someone with a lot of business experience.
- Public Speaking: Speaker/translator experiences can be fun if you can get on the same page and exert some energy and charisma. Using a person who is familiar with the target audience has the best opportunity for success. If possible, let your translator look at your speech or at least your notes and illustrations, have a little talk beforehand, sum up what you will be saying, and what the essential points are. If you are using complicated language, make sure your translator knows what those words mean. As you begin, try to get a feel for the pacing. Hopefully, you will be able to get a nice rhythm going. There will be moments of confusion. Use them for humour and use the gaps between speaking to prepare your following words. And most importantly, don’t speak in half sentences. The syntax in other languages is different. And don’t say too much before you pause either, you can overwhelm your translator.
- Personal Conversation or Interview: A private conversation eliminates the need for pacing. You will be able to speak in more extensive thoughts, and you will have an opportunity to make sure the communication is being successful. A good translator will listen to what you have to say, translate it, and wait for the response. In some cultures, though, you will find that people will keep talking and not wait for you to hear the translation. In these cases, you will rely heavily on the diplomacy of the translator to work through the difficulty. In a worst-case scenario, the two of them will have a conversation, and you will only get a summary.
In every case, a professional translator is most likely to bring you success. If you find someone you like, you will have found a treasure, treat them well and let them know they are appreciated. Your relationship will improve the quality of the work.