The Power Of Eye Contact During A Speech
Speakers need to realize that when they are giving a speech their effective use of eye contact can boost the impact of their speech
The Premier Blog For Quickly Improving Your Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills
Speakers need to realize that when they are giving a speech their effective use of eye contact can boost the impact of their speech
Speakers who have been called on to deliver bad news to their audience need to understand the best way to go about doing this
Every speech that we give is special for us, but is it special for our audience? Does the speech that we give change their lives? Do we allow them to see things differently? Will our speech use the importance of public speaking to have a lasting impact on them? If you are like me, you … Read more
So let’s spend a moment or two thinking about the next speech that you will be giving. You are going to be sitting down to create a speech and all that you are going to have to work with will be words to convey the importance of public speaking. What this means for you is … Read more
Hopefully by now everyone knows that one of the best ways to tap into the importance of public speaking and make your next speech become more interesting to your audience is to include a story in the speech. We’ve got a lot of different stories that we can draw on: fairy tales, folk tales, legends, … Read more
Every time that we give a speech we are doing it for a reason. We understand the importance of public speaking and we want to connect with our audience and we want to change how they view their world. All that we have to accomplish this with are the words that make up our speech. … Read more
One of the most difficult things for a speaker to realize when we are giving a speech is what will not be controlling the impact of our speech. We spend so much time working on exactly what words we want to say and then we seem to spend just as much time working on the … Read more
I, for one, would like to have a bigger brain. However, unlike deciding that I want to have bigger muscles, I don’t think that there is a “brain gym” anywhere near to where I live. What this means is that if I want to grow and develop my mental capabilities, then I’m going to have … Read more
In order for the effort that we put into creating and delivering a speech to all be worth it, we need to get something out of the presentation. Yes, if you are being paid to speak, then you are getting something, but even then we speakers want more. What we want is for our audience … Read more