Speakers Need To Give A Speech, Not Have A Conversation

Caption: Conversations have their place and it's not as a part of a speech

When you stand up in front of an audience to give a speech, something happens to you. You are transformed from just another person who happens to be in the room into the person that everyone is going to be listening to. What’s interesting about this transformation is that it has to have an impact … Read more

Add Some Variety To Your Next Speech

When we give a speech, we have a real challenge on our hands. We understand the importance of public speaking and we want to be able to keep our audience’s attention for the entire speech. However, listening to any one person talk for any length of time can become boring. How are you going to … Read more

Your Shortest Speech

When we are asked to give a speech, we understand the importance of public speaking and so we generally plan on talking for somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes depending on the venue. However, that is not always the case. In fact, there is one type of speech that we may be called on to … Read more

The Difference Between How Boys And Girls Speak

Do you speak like a girl or like a boy? It turns out that how you speak may have very little to do with the gender selection that you received at birth. Way back in the past, people tended to think that everyone pretty much spoke the same way. Over time people started to understand … Read more

The Art Of Matching Your Speech Title To Your Speech

If you are like most of us, the next time that you are asked to give a speech, because of the importance of public speaking you’ll probably spend a considerable amount of time working on the speech. You’ll consider your audience, pick your words, and attempt to craft a speech that will capture their attention … Read more

What Communication Strategy Will You Use In Your Next Speech?

So why are you planning on going to the effort of delivering your next speech? I mean it sure seems like a lot of effort to create the speech, practice it, and then go through the stress of actually giving it. If you want to create a message that is going to impact your audience … Read more