The Art Of Writing A Speech For Someone Else

The next step in speaking is when you start to write for someone else

Many times when I’m talking with speakers they want to know what the next step is. They have been giving speeches for a while and they believe that they understand the importance of public speaking. They have been getting better at connecting with their audience, and although they may still have room for improvement they … Read more

How A Speaker Can Moderate A Panel Discussion

A panel discussion is all about finding a way to exchange ideas

For some odd and strange reason, people seem to think that just because we can do a good job of giving a speech we’d also be able to moderate a panel discussion. You know what I’m talking about: one of those events where you get a group of people up on a stage and have … Read more

Picking What You Will Talk About

Here’s how to brainstorm for your next speech topic

I’d like to be able to tell you that every time that you get asked to give a speech, you’ll be told what the people running the show want you to talk about. However, as is the case with all such things in real life, it never seems to work out this way. Instead, somebody … Read more

Fast Ways To Jump-Start Your Speech Writing Process

Sometimes we all need a little help to get things started

This has pretty much happened to all of us at one time or another. We’ve agreed to give a speech and eventually we sit down to write the speech and then bang – nothing comes into our mind. We draw a blank. We might know what we’ve been asked to talk about, we might know … Read more

How To Give A Keynote That Will Be Remembered

In the world of public speaking, being asked to deliver a keynote speech is sorta the best that we can all hope to do. A keynote speech reflects the importance of public speaking and is the one speech that everyone attended the meeting to hear. If you are asked to give this speech, then you … Read more

The Difference Between How Boys And Girls Speak

Do you speak like a girl or like a boy? It turns out that how you speak may have very little to do with the gender selection that you received at birth. Way back in the past, people tended to think that everyone pretty much spoke the same way. Over time people started to understand … Read more

How To Get Ready To Give A Speech Faster!

Do you feel that the time that you put into preparing a speech is a badge of honor? Do you go around telling everyone about the importance of public speaking and the hours upon hours that you spent crafting your speech, then refining it, and then practicing it over and over again? If this sounds … Read more

The Art Of Matching Your Speech Title To Your Speech

If you are like most of us, the next time that you are asked to give a speech, because of the importance of public speaking you’ll probably spend a considerable amount of time working on the speech. You’ll consider your audience, pick your words, and attempt to craft a speech that will capture their attention … Read more

Break Glass In Case Of Speech

In a perfect world, we would always be given plenty of time to prepare for our next speech. However, you and I don’t live in a perfect world and that means that because of the importance of public speaking all too often the opportunity to give a speech will just suddenly show up. My question … Read more

What Can Make A Public Speaker Nervous?

As speakers we all know that just before we get ready to stand before an audience we can become very nervous. This just seems to be a part of life despite the importance of public speaking. However, here’s the big question – why do we become so nervous all of the time and what can … Read more