What Does It Take To Be A Really Funny Speaker?

In order to be really funny, a speaker has to take on the mind of an improvisor

As speakers I’m pretty sure that by now we all realize the power of humor in a speech. I know that I’ve had the opportunity to watch speakers who were able to use the importance of public speaking to make their audience laugh and laugh. When they were done, everyone came up to them and … Read more

Becoming A Better Speaker Through Improv

Doing improv is one way that speakers can become better

So the question is do you want to become a better public speaker? If the answer to this question is “yes”, then the next question has to be “how?” It turns out that there are a lot of different answers to this question and some of them work, and some don’t. Through trial and error … Read more

When It Comes To Making Your Speech Funny, Seconds Count…

With a little luck, we can all agree that adding some humor to your next speech will only make that speech that much better. However, one of the big unanswered questions is given the importance of public speaking just exactly where you should add your humor: at the beginning, in the middle, or at the … Read more

Break Glass In Case Of Speech

In a perfect world, we would always be given plenty of time to prepare for our next speech. However, you and I don’t live in a perfect world and that means that because of the importance of public speaking all too often the opportunity to give a speech will just suddenly show up. My question … Read more

Business Speaking: What To Do, What Not To Do

Giving a speech in a business environment, specifically to a group of senior managers, can be one of the most difficult speeches that any of us will ever be called on to give. However, even this type of speech can be done smoothly and will allow you to be seen as an effective communicator if … Read more

How To Ruin A Business Speech: 2 Things You Must Never Do

Giving a speech in a business environment, specifically to a group of senior managers, can be one of the most difficult speeches that any of us will ever be called on to give. However, even this type of speech can be done smoothly and will allow you to be seen as an effective communicator if … Read more

2 Tips For Giving A Successful Business Speech

Giving a speech in a business environment, specifically to a group of senior managers, can be one of the most difficult speeches that any of us will ever be called on to give. However, even this type of speech can be done smoothly and will allow you to be seen as an effective communicator if … Read more

Talking Business: Tips For Speaker Success

Giving a speech in a business environment, specifically to a group of senior managers, can be one of the most difficult speeches that any of us will ever be called on to give. However, even this type of speech can be done smoothly and will allow you to be seen as an effective communicator if … Read more