What Does It Take To Be A Really Funny Speaker?

In order to be really funny, a speaker has to take on the mind of an improvisor

As speakers I’m pretty sure that by now we all realize the power of humor in a speech. I know that I’ve had the opportunity to watch speakers who were able to use the importance of public speaking to make their audience laugh and laugh. When they were done, everyone came up to them and … Read more

All The World’s A Stage – You Just Have To Know How To Use It

When we give a speech we may not always be on a stage. However, we always have a space that has been given to us to use as our own during the speech. All too often we see speakers doing things that they should not be doing – pacing, circling, hanging out in one corner … Read more

Real World Speaking: A Trip To See The Doctor

We can talk about how to give great speeches until we are blue in the face; however, it ultimately comes down to just how well all of the things that we’ve discussed are put into practice that will determine how effective our talks are. I recently had a chance to attend a series of presentations … Read more