How To Add Stories To Your Next Speech
Speakers who want to be able to give speeches that will be remembered need to learn how to incorporate stories into their speeches
The Premier Blog For Quickly Improving Your Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills
Speakers who want to be able to give speeches that will be remembered need to learn how to incorporate stories into their speeches
So the question is do you want to become a better public speaker? If the answer to this question is “yes”, then the next question has to be “how?” It turns out that there are a lot of different answers to this question and some of them work, and some don’t. Through trial and error … Read more
I think that I’m on safe ground if I say that we’d all like to find a way to become a better public speaker. Every time that we take the stage there is that moment just before we start our speech where a thought runs through our head. It says, “it’s too late now, but … Read more
So what’s the hardest part of giving a speech? I think that the most difficult thing to do is to actually create a great speech – one that your audience is going to want to listen to. All of us want to create a great speech, it’s just that we really don’t quite know how … Read more
The next time that I create a speech, because I know about the importance of public speaking, I want it to be the best speech that I’ve ever made. In order for this to happen, I’m going to have to be creative. This is where a bit of a challenge comes in – I’m not … Read more
The ultimate goal for any of the speeches that we give is to have them be remembered. The real challenge for all of us is to find ways to leverage the importance of public speaking and make this happen. The good news is that there is a simple, time-tested method that can transform a ho-hum … Read more
Once you’ve found a way to overcome the fear that we all feel when it comes to speaking in public, you move on to the next stage: wanting to become an effective speaker. I mean, as long as you are going to the effort, you may as well make it count! It turns out that … Read more
Every public speaker stands before his / her audience naked. Well, not exactly naked as in “no clothes”, but rather naked as in you don’t have anything standing between you and your audience. This is both wonderful (you can connect with your audience) and terrible (it’s all you, baby). In order to boost the impact … Read more