What You Can Learn From A Speech Failure

When we fail at speaking, the experience can make us a better speaker

I’d like to be able to tell you that because of the importance of public speaking, every speech that you give will be a big success. The reality is that this is not the case. In fact, some speeches that you end up giving might even be classified as being a failure. What’s a speaker … Read more

The Stage Is Your Friend

As a speaker, the stage is a tool to give your speech more impact

As speakers, we really don’t have all that many tools that we can work with to show the importance of public speaking when we are delivering a speech to an audience. Sure we have our voice and some body language, but is there anything else that we can use to give some impact to our … Read more

Your Shortest Speech

When we are asked to give a speech, we understand the importance of public speaking and so we generally plan on talking for somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes depending on the venue. However, that is not always the case. In fact, there is one type of speech that we may be called on to … Read more

Three Pieces Make A Whole: The Art Of Creating A Speech That Works

When we are asked to give a speech, generally speaking our hearts start to beat just a little bit faster. We’re excited about being asked to share information that we know, and yet at the same time we dread the effort that is going to go into getting ready to give that speech because we … Read more

How To Clear Up A Bad Case Of “The Blanks”

That memory of ours can be a fickle thing. One moment we know exactly what we’re going to say next because we’ve practiced it 100 times, and then the next moment we’re drawing a complete blank – we can’t remember what we wanted to say for the life of us. As a public speaker, this … Read more

The Ultimate Public Speaking Question: What To Speak About?

What’s the first thing that runs through your head when you are asked to give a speech? If you are like most of us it’s something along the lines of “what the heck am I going to speak about?” How to go about picking a speech topic that will keep your audience’s attention and make … Read more