Lies That Speakers Tell To Themselves

The ability to tell a tall tale can make a speech more memorable

Honesty is soooo overrated. When we are asked to give a speech, we know what we need to do in order to deliver a good speech. We need to make sure that we know who will be in the audience, we have to sit down and create a speech that will allow us use the … Read more

Mastering The TED Talk

To do well, you need tips on how to be successful at TED

So of course, the first question is do you know what a TED talk is? I would suspect that most of us do by now. TED is an acronym that stands for technology, entertainment, and design. There is one big TED event each year at which all sorts of famous people come and present to … Read more

The Power Of Contrast In Your Next Speech

One of my favorite experts in the world of making presentations is lady named Nancy Duarte. She runs a company called Duarte Inc which specializes in helping presenters get their message across using great visuals and she really understands the importance of public speaking. The company’s biggest claim to fame so far is that they … Read more

What Happens To Your Speech When You’re Done Talking?

Creating a speech is hard work. You take the time to understand who you will be talking to, what they want you to talk about, and how long you’ll have to talk. You then craft a fantastic opening line, outline a speech that will allow you to make whatever point you want to make, and … Read more

How To Clear Up A Bad Case Of “The Blanks”

That memory of ours can be a fickle thing. One moment we know exactly what we’re going to say next because we’ve practiced it 100 times, and then the next moment we’re drawing a complete blank – we can’t remember what we wanted to say for the life of us. As a public speaker, this … Read more

#1 Secret All Successful Public Speakers Know (And You Should Too)

You’ve got fantastic thing to tell your audience. They are lucky enough to be able to sit in the room when you give a speech. If you want to do a good job of connecting with your audience, then you’ve got to know and put into practice the most important secret that all successful public … Read more

PowerPoint Tricks: Banish Boring, Invite Fun

I would like to be allowed to see more PowerPoint slides. Ok, not really. In fact I could probably live the rest of my life without seeing another PowerPoint slide – I think that I’ve seen my limit! Since I probably can’t avoid seeing more slides, then perhaps at least we can talk about what … Read more

A Presenter’s PowerPoint Slides: Too Little Of A Bad Thing?

Hopefully by now everyone at least knows that you can seriously damage your audience if you create and use poorly designed PowerPoint slides. The number one offence that everyone seems to be able to agree on is that a slide that has been overloaded with text and numbers (a) doesn’t work, and (b) puts your … Read more