Could Yoga Help You To Become A Better Public Speaker?

It turns out that yoga and speaking share a lot in common

I can only speak for myself, but because of the importance of public speaking I’m always looking for ways to become a better public speaker. I’ve taken classes, read books, and talked with experts. However, one thing that I had never thought to look into was how an exercise program could impact how I talked. … Read more

Public Speakers Can Learn From Lawyers

All too often we like to make fun of lawyers – from telling lawyer jokes to laughing at those very bad late night TV commercials that they run. However, if we step back for a minute, we need to realize that a key part of the job of being a lawyer is to give speeches … Read more

A Public Speaker’s Plan To Fight Stage Fright

It’s you vs. stage fright. Who’s going to win the next time that you are asked to give a speech? It turns out that this is one battle that you can always emerge a victor from. However, in order to make this happen you are going to have to prepare yourself for battle before the … Read more

Video: Stand Up Straight Young Man! — Why Posture Matters In Public Speaking

Dr. Jim Anderson investigates how a speaker’s posture can impact their breathing and speaking speed. Dr. Anderson reveals how speakers can take control of how they breath while giving a speech in order to impact their speaking speed and prevent themselves from running out of breath half-way through their speech. To get more tips and … Read more

Speaking Power: How To Get It, How To Use It

If you really want to connect with your audience and make an impact in their lives, then you’re going to have to discover out how to speak with power. The trick is that power is a tricky thing – you can’t touch it, you can’t buy it, you’ve got to find it and hold on … Read more