Using The Power Of Originality To Create A Powerful Speech

A creative delivery and original content can make your next speech stand out

A creative delivery and original content can make your next speech stand outImage Credit: jonjomckay If there is one thing that every speaker wants from their next speech, it is for it to mean something so that our audience can realize the importance of public speaking. The way that we determine if one of our … Read more

Mastering The TED Talk

To do well, you need tips on how to be successful at TED

So of course, the first question is do you know what a TED talk is? I would suspect that most of us do by now. TED is an acronym that stands for technology, entertainment, and design. There is one big TED event each year at which all sorts of famous people come and present to … Read more

Speakers Need To Learn How To Use Stories To Connect & Engage Audiences

Stories bring out the emotion in our audiences

The one thing that I think that I can say that everyone will agree with me about is that when we go to the trouble of giving a speech, we want to be remembered. In order to make this happen, what we say has to use the importance of public speaking to connect with our … Read more

Keys To Creating A Great Speech

Make sure that your speech has a central message for your audience

Nobody ever said that giving a speech was going to be something that would be easy to do, but sometimes it sure seems like it is a lot harder than it should be. What makes creating a speech so hard to do is what we want the speech to do for us: we want to … Read more

3 Tips For Delivering A Winning Presentation

Every time that we deliver a presentation, because we understand the importance of public speaking, we want it to go well. We do our best to get ready, to deliver the speech, and then we sit back with our fingers crossed hoping that we were able to connect with our audience. The good news is … Read more

When Giving A Speech, It’s All About Structure

Ok public speaker, what is the most important part of a speech? Is it what you do with your hands? Is it the amount of eye contact that you are able to achieve during a speech? Is it the clever dance moves that you’ve worked into the half-way point in your speech to show off … Read more

The Power Of Contrast In Your Next Speech

One of my favorite experts in the world of making presentations is lady named Nancy Duarte. She runs a company called Duarte Inc which specializes in helping presenters get their message across using great visuals and she really understands the importance of public speaking. The company’s biggest claim to fame so far is that they … Read more

How A Speaker Can Become Quotable

So why do we speakers go to the effort of giving a speech in the first place? Hopefully it is so that what we say will be remembered by our audience if they are willing to use their listening skills. The sad reality is that no matter what clever presentation tips we use, most of … Read more