Speakers Need To Learn How To Use Stories To Connect & Engage Audiences

Stories bring out the emotion in our audiences

The one thing that I think that I can say that everyone will agree with me about is that when we go to the trouble of giving a speech, we want to be remembered. In order to make this happen, what we say has to use the importance of public speaking to connect with our … Read more

How A Speaker Can Break Through And Connect With Their Audience

We give speeches for a very specific reason. We want to be able to change lives – that’s what the importance of public speaking is all about. I’m pretty sure that we all share the same dream. We want to take the stage, share our speech with our audience, and then have them leave the … Read more

Missed Opportunities In Public Speaking

Every time that we give a speech we need to realize the importance of public speaking and that we have an opportunity to become a better speaker. However, if we don’t take the time to study how our speech goes or how our audience reacts to what we are telling them, then we run the … Read more

3 Tips To Transform Your Next Speech Into An Experience For Your Audience

The great thing about public speaking is that just about everything that we are trying to do has been done before. When you get ready to give your next speech, listen to the voice of experience from other more accomplished speakers and use their guidance to transform your speech into a true experience for your … Read more

Customized Presentations: How To Make ‘Em

Let’s say that you were going to go out and buy a new car. Now lets say that you didn’t get to make any decisions about what that car was going to look like. You don’t get to choose the color, the accessories, or even the type of car. When the car got delivered to … Read more