What’s The Right Way To Practice Giving A Speech?

We need to find ways to make our speech practice productive

With a little luck, I think that we all understand the before we give our next speech we need to do some practice. I mean, you’ve put in the time to create your speech, you’ve probably jotted down some notes, now it’s time to give it a run through in order to make sure that … Read more

Speakers Need To Learn How To Use Stories To Connect & Engage Audiences

Stories bring out the emotion in our audiences

The one thing that I think that I can say that everyone will agree with me about is that when we go to the trouble of giving a speech, we want to be remembered. In order to make this happen, what we say has to use the importance of public speaking to connect with our … Read more

3 Speechwriting Secrets From The Experts

The next time that you have to sit down and write a speech, wouldn’t it be great if you could just pick up the phone and have some expert speechwriters come over to your home and lend a hand? Well I’ve got some good news, I might not be able to get the experts to … Read more

Learn To Write Better Speeches In 5 Simple Steps

You’ve just had the best idea that you’ve ever had for a great speech. You can see it in your mind’s eye so very, very clearly. Now if only you could write a speech that would allow you to get this idea across to your audience as clearly as you see it. Hmm, perhaps there … Read more

Bad Business News: A Speech That Speakers Need To Be Able To Give

Being asked to give a speech is a great honor. Being asked to give a speech that is going to deliver bad news to part or all of business is not such an honor. However, in order to be a truly good speaker, this is exactly the type of speech that you need to be … Read more