How To Make Microphones Work With You, Not Against You

Microphones can be a speaker's best friend when used correctly

Not all speakers are equipped with a voice that could be heard in the back of a larger room. Back in the days before electricity, this was a big deal – only the very loud speakers had any chance of keeping the attention of an audience of any size and sharing the importance of public … Read more

How Speakers Can Use Their Audience’s Senses To Create An Unforgettable Speech

There you are: you’ve got an important message to get across to your next audience, you’ve put a great deal of time and effort into creating your speech, and yet you don’t think that it’s going to work. Why not? The short answer is that the speech that you’ve created is not unforgettable. Sure, your … Read more

Public Speaking Requires A Voice That People Want To Hear

Going to the effort to prepare and deliver a speech is a big deal. As long as you are going to make the effort to do all of this, you sure want your audience to get the most out of your speech – you want to change lives (that’s one of the benefits of public … Read more