How To Become A Paid Professional Public Speaker

We need to listen to the experts if we want to make speaking a career

This speaking stuff is actually quite hard to do. As with all such things in life, if it is hard to do then there must be people who understand the importance of public speaking and are willing to pay you to do it. Right? The answer to this question turns out to be “yes”. Once … Read more

What Happens To Your Speech When You’re Done Talking?

Creating a speech is hard work. You take the time to understand who you will be talking to, what they want you to talk about, and how long you’ll have to talk. You then craft a fantastic opening line, outline a speech that will allow you to make whatever point you want to make, and … Read more

Getting To Great – How Great Speakers Are Made

I’m pretty sure that it would be safe to say that we’d all like to become better public speakers. The challenge that we face is that nobody is just exactly sure how to make this happen. I’d like to be able to tell you that because of the importance of public speaking, it’s easy to … Read more

The Secret To Becoming An Expert In Anything

If you forget all of the advice that you’ve ever been given about speaking, then please at least remember this: audiences come to hear experts speak. No matter how badly you stutter, lose your place, don’t make eye contact, etc. an audience will always forgive a presenter whom they believe is an expert in what … Read more

Lights, Camera, TV Presentation? 4 Tips For Speaking On Television

Perhaps you have managed to overcome your fear of speaking to groups of people. Maybe you even have developed ways to deal with difficult questions and keep a presentation on track no matter what happens while you are speaking. However, are you ready to take your skills to that ultimate broadcast medium – television? Probably … Read more