The Power Of Prezi
When speakers are considering using software to create supporting material for a speech, they might want to consider using Prezi
The Premier Blog For Quickly Improving Your Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills
When speakers are considering using software to create supporting material for a speech, they might want to consider using Prezi
As a speaker, I must confess that I can get pretty comfortable with the ways that things are. I use PowerPoint, I have an automatic slide advancer, and I know where to get royalty-free images. I have a bad habit of thinking that I know everything that I need to know I order to share … Read more
As a speaker the one thing that we want to accomplish during every speech that we give is to make an impression on our audience. We’d like to be able to convince them of the importance of public speaking and share with them some ideas that they can take with them and use even after … Read more
How much information is there going to be in your next speech? Most of the speeches that we give are full of great information that our audiences would like to remember and follow-up on — your audience understands the importance of public speaking and that’s why they are there. That’s where the problem shows up: … Read more