How You Write Controls How You Speak
Speakers who want to become better need to start to write out their speeches so that they can pick the words that they want to use
The Premier Blog For Quickly Improving Your Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills
Speakers who want to become better need to start to write out their speeches so that they can pick the words that they want to use
I’m pretty sure that we’d all like to find ways to become a better speaker. It turns out that this speaking stuff is actually quite hard to do. Sure, we practice creating the best speech that we can, we stand in front of a mirror for hours rehearsing how we’re going to deliver our speech, … Read more
I’m not sure about you, but one of the things that I most look forward to and dread at the same time is being asked to give a keynote speech. Giving a keynote speech allows you to show off the importance of public speaking. I love the attention and the ability to stand in the … Read more