How To Support A Speaker

You can make a difference when someone else speaks

As speakers, we tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the importance of public speaking and how we speak. We try to find ways to connect with our audience and we try to be aware of anything that we are doing that might take away from our speech. However, it turns out that … Read more

What To Do When You Can’t Write?

Writer’s block can stop us from creating our next speech

If you want to give a speech then you are going to have to write a speech before you give it. If you are going to write a speech, then at some point in time you are going to have to sit down and start to write it. However, this is the point in time … Read more

Why Public Speakers Should Cut Out Filler Words

As we all strive to become better speakers, we tend to focus on the big issues: how to write a great speech, how to use our bodies to connect with our audience, etc. However, it turns out that sometimes it can be the little things that can trip us up. Things like using filler words … Read more