What To Do When You Can’t Write?

Writer’s block can stop us from creating our next speech

If you want to give a speech then you are going to have to write a speech before you give it. If you are going to write a speech, then at some point in time you are going to have to sit down and start to write it. However, this is the point in time … Read more

How Speakers Can Increase Their Vocabulary

Public speaking is actually pretty simple. What we do is we stand up in front of a group of people and then we use words to communicate thoughts and ideas with them – that’s what the importance of public speaking is all about. Note that I just told you how we do this – we … Read more

Only Great Ideas Should Go Into Your Next Speech

When you sit down to prepare your next speech, do you know what the most important thing that you are going to need is? It turns out that it’s not a clean sheet of paper, nor a sharp pencil. Nor is it a quiet place to work although all of these things are important, they … Read more