I can only speak for myself, but I don’t always want to give every speech that I get roped into. There can be a lot of reasons why I don’t want to give a speech: I don’t feel that I know the subject all that well, I don’t like the audience, I’ve been having a bad day, I ate way too much yesterday, etc. It is possible that as I get ready to go on stage, all of these feelings will come swarming over me and I’ll end up going out onto that stage with a bad attitude. It turns out that this is a mistake and I’m doing both myself and my audience a disservice when I do this. When we give a speech, we really need to make sure that we have a good attitude.
It’s All About Attitude
Speakers who view their work as a joy rather than a job can do great things. Happy, positive speakers motivate others. Their enthusiastic approach and caring attitude benefit their audiences, which ultimately benefits the people that they interact with. Speakers coach, teach and preach happiness so our audiences will practice it. If we’re not excited about what we do, we can’t make an audience feel good. Speakers need to be enthusiastic with high energy and an infectious smile. Attending your next speech should be a win-win experience for both you and your audience.
Speakers can view love as an action rather than an emotion. The best way to give a speech for success and personal fulfillment is with love. Speakers need to communicate that they care. Being enthusiastic and positive are qualities that speakers need to bring to their next speech. What we’re doing should be fun, exciting and creative.
Accountability Counts Also
Not all of the messages that we deliver in our speeches are upbeat and positive. There will be times that we have to deliver negative news to our audience. In these cases, talking to our audience should be done in a one-to-one manner, with respect, information and encouragement. However, when we have a chance to motivate an audience to do their best we need to use praise and recognition. Leading with happiness is the ideal, but the reality is that even happy speakers face challenges and problems. Giving speeches can operate in cycles. The job of delivering a speech may not be fun all the time. Speakers need to set an example when you have to do difficult things. People will model what they see, so make your actions positive.
Speakers who practice and model good values typically have an easier time filling audiences, and they are likely to have fewer people leave during their speech. A speaker can show how to incorporate happiness into your work and personal life. The way you speak affects others in your family, community and workplace, either positively or negatively. Speakers need to understand that what they’re doing is not as important as the attitude with which they are doing it. Whether they call it leading with joy, happiness or love, speakers are people who change attitudes from “I have to be here” to “I got to be here” and “I want to do this.” Skilled speakers can show that happiness becomes an asset that inspires strong future speeches, whether in business, community or at social activities.
What All Of This Means For You
As speakers we can often get confused about what is going to really matter about our next speech. Sure, we’ll spend time creating the speech and we’ll worry over the words that we’ll use, but in the end they are not the things that are going to matter the most. It turns out that the attitude that we use to deliver our speech is what is going to stay with our audience for the longest after we are done giving our speech. Do you know what attitude you use when you give a speech?
If when you give your next speech you are both happy and positive, then this will rub off on your audience and you will influence them. It turns out that love can be viewed as being both an action and an emotion. We need to find ways to work more love into our next speech. Not all of our speeches can be without challenges. If we have a tough topic to talk about, we need to make an effort to connect with our audience and show them respect. Speakers need to understand that their attitude is as important as what they are doing.
Simply by taking control of our attitude we can take control of our next speech. If we understand that our attitude is going to have a profound impact on how our audience perceives our speech, then we can take steps to have a positive attitude. By mastering the love and happiness that we work into our speech, we can share both with our audience and get them to remember both us and our speech.
– Dr. Jim Anderson
Blue Elephant Consulting –
Your Source For Real World Public Speaking Skills™
Question For You: How can we work more love into our next speech?

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Note: What we talked about are advanced speaking skills. If you are just starting out I highly recommend joining Toastmasters in order to get the benefits of public speaking. Look for a Toastmasters club to join in your home town by visiting the web site www.Toastmasters.org. Toastmasters is dedicated to helping their members to understand the importance of public speaking by developing listening skills and getting presentation tips. Toastmasters is how I got started speaking and it can help you also!
What We’ll Be Talking About Next Time
The goal of any speech that we give is to be remembered. If we do this right, then our audience will remember both our speech and the person who gave it – us! However, it turns out that it’s really not all that easy to give a speech that will be remembered. Our audiences are distracted and they have a lot of things going on in their lives. If we want to get them to remember our speech, we’re going to have to find a way to capture their attention and get them to really listen to us. We need a plan.