How To Become A Professional Speaker

After you’ve been giving speeches for a while and you understand the importance of public speaking, you may run into someone who tells you that you are really good. In fact, they may say that instead of just speaking for free, you really should go pro. Just like all of those famous professional speakers out … Read more

How To Move Beyond PowerPoint For Visual Aids

In most cases, when we give a speech we like to show up with some visual aids. When it comes time to make visual aids, I am more than willing to admit that I’ll turn to PowerPoint and get busy. Why not? I know how to use PowerPoint and I must have made about a … Read more

A Different Way To Do Presentations: Prezi

Every presentation that we give is an opportunity for us to use the importance of public speaking tocapture our audience’s imagination and get them to believe in whatever we are telling them about. However, making this happen seems to becoming harder and harder. I’m not sure why, but the arrival of cell phones with big … Read more

How To Use Slides During A Presentation

Pick up just about any book that you find at the store about how to become a better speaker and you’ll probably find a chapter (or two!) that talk about the dangers of using PowerPoint or Keynote slides as a part of your next speech. I agree that there are a lot of different things … Read more

Building A Keynote Speech From The Ground Up

I’m not really sure if it is the most difficult type of speech to give, but the keynote speech is where we seem to be in the spotlight for the longest time and provides us with our best opportunity to show off the importance of public speaking. Our audience has high expectations for what we’ll … Read more

6 Tips For Making PowerPoint Work With Your Next Speech, Not Against It

How many times have you been asked to give a speech and the way that you got ready for it was to sit down and create a whole bunch of PowerPoint (or Keynote) slides? Yep, I’ve done the same thing. Hopefully we all know that a speech is really so much more than just a … Read more

Stop! Public Speakers Need To Step Away From The PowerPoint…

When somebody asks you to give a speech do you start thinking about the PowerPoint (or Keynote for you Mac users) slides that you’ll have to create? Do you ask the person how long the speech needs to be just in order to determine how many slides that you’ll need to make? Stop! Maybe it’s … Read more

Real Life Speaking Lessons: Learning From A Keynote

We can talk about how to give better speeches until we’re blue in the face, but in the end it’s what we see that will really change how we give speeches. With that thought in mind I’d like to share with you a critique of a keynote speech that I had a chance to see … Read more