What You Need To Do Before Your Next Presentation

If you want your presentation to be memorable, you need to prepare

The next time that you are asked to make a presentation, how it goes may be based more on how well you prepared than how good of a job you did making the presentation. What this means for you is that you are going to have to take the time to use the importance of … Read more

What You Can Learn From A Speech Failure

When we fail at speaking, the experience can make us a better speaker

I’d like to be able to tell you that because of the importance of public speaking, every speech that you give will be a big success. The reality is that this is not the case. In fact, some speeches that you end up giving might even be classified as being a failure. What’s a speaker … Read more

What’s The Best Way To Start A Speech?

Your best chance to capture an audience happens in the start of a speech

When we are creating a speech, we’ve got a lot of work to do in order to capture the importance of public speaking. There’s the opening, the middle, and the ending. Each one of these parts is important. However, we might be able to say that the opening is just a little bit more important … Read more

Use The Power Of The Triangle To Create Your Next Speech

Use the triangle structuring technique to shape your next speech

What will the goal of your next speech be? If you are like most of us, you understand the importance of public speaking and you’ll want to grab your audience’s attention at the start of your speech and then find a way to hold on to it throughout the rest of your speech. Although this … Read more

What To Do When You Can’t Write?

Writer’s block can stop us from creating our next speech

If you want to give a speech then you are going to have to write a speech before you give it. If you are going to write a speech, then at some point in time you are going to have to sit down and start to write it. However, this is the point in time … Read more

Getting Your Speech The Attention That It Deserves

When we create a speech that we’ll be giving, we work hard to make it the best speech possible. We spend time thinking about what points we want to communicate to our audience, we pick the words that we’ll use with care, and we then practice just exactly how we’re going to go about delivering … Read more

What Makes A Speech A Good Speech?

If you are like most of us, every time that you get up in front of an audience you are desperately hoping that this speech will be a good speech because we understand the importance of public speaking. We’ve all given speeches that were not good – we didn’t connect with the audience and they … Read more

Your Shortest Speech

When we are asked to give a speech, we understand the importance of public speaking and so we generally plan on talking for somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes depending on the venue. However, that is not always the case. In fact, there is one type of speech that we may be called on to … Read more