Use The Power Of The Triangle To Create Your Next Speech

Use the triangle structuring technique to shape your next speech

What will the goal of your next speech be? If you are like most of us, you understand the importance of public speaking and you’ll want to grab your audience’s attention at the start of your speech and then find a way to hold on to it throughout the rest of your speech. Although this … Read more

When Giving A Speech, It’s All About Structure

Ok public speaker, what is the most important part of a speech? Is it what you do with your hands? Is it the amount of eye contact that you are able to achieve during a speech? Is it the clever dance moves that you’ve worked into the half-way point in your speech to show off … Read more

How To Tell A Political Story

If you are like me, you don’t really seek out politicians to add to your list of friends. However, whenever an issue comes up that we really care about, all of a sudden we have a habit of becoming very, very interested in politics. As speakers, we need to realize that politicians are also speakers … Read more

The 3 “Ps” Of How To Persuade Your Next Audience

As a speaker you have ideas that you want to share with your next audience – this is what the importance of public speaking is all about. Your reason for wanting to do this is because you want to influence them. You want to plant new ideas in their heads, change the way that they … Read more

Hey Speaker – What’s Your Point?

What’s the worst thing that speaker can do when delivering a speech? Not get to the point! Your audience is left wondering just exactly why they were willing to sit there though your speech when it seems as though there was no real reason for you to give the speech. What this means is that … Read more

Why A Public Speaker’s Favorite Number Is 3

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked to create and deliver a speech with very little time to prepare for it. Sure, if we had all of the time in the world we could craft a fantastically worded speech and then practice, practice, practice until we were able to deliver it perfectly. … Read more