How To Prepare For Very Important Speeches

When we have to give a very important speech, we need to prepare well

So let’s all agree on something: not all speeches that we give are the same. Some speeches we give are just being delivered because we promised somebody that we’d get up there and give a speech. However, then there are the other speeches. These are the ones that are very important. It may be our … Read more

Speakers Learn The Secret To Talking About Themselves

It turns out that your story is really about the people who have made you you

Let’s face it – the most interesting story that you have to tell is the one that you tell about yourself. At some point in time during your speaking career, you will undoubtedly be asked to give a speech about yourself. Now the good news here is that you are not going to have to … Read more

How To Be A Master Of Ceremonies

Being a master of ceremonies is a different type of public speaking

Not every speech that we will give will be the same. There will be times when you are called on to speak in public where the people running the show won’t actually want you to give a speech. Instead what they are going to want to you do is to act as the master of … Read more

Conquering Your Fear Of Public Speaking

If you want to really know what fear is, then agree to give a speech! For some reason, the thought of standing in front of a group of people that we probably don’t know and sharing with them some information that we have can cause even the most courageous of us to feel weak in … Read more

How To Break The Grip Of The Fear Of Public Speaking

Let’s face it, there are an awful lot of things that we’d all rather be doing than standing up in front of a group of people trying to give a speech. Just thinking about the importance of public speaking and doing this can cause our mouths to go dry, our hand to become clammy, and … Read more

When Giving A Speech, It’s All About Structure

Ok public speaker, what is the most important part of a speech? Is it what you do with your hands? Is it the amount of eye contact that you are able to achieve during a speech? Is it the clever dance moves that you’ve worked into the half-way point in your speech to show off … Read more

What You’ve Never Been Taught About Being A Successful Speaker

Once you get over the shakes and nerves that go along with standing in front of a group of people and delivering a speech, your next big challenge is going to be finding ways to get better in order to maximize importance of public speaking. Deep down inside, what each one of us would like … Read more

Every Speech That You Give Is About Selling

Did you know that you work in sales? It turns out that if you are giving speeches, you do. For you see, in every speech that you give you are trying to sell something. It may not be a used car or a dishwasher, but it certainly is an idea or a way of looking … Read more

Read A Good Book Lately? How About “Everyone Communicates Few Connect”

So I’m not sure if there is really any big payoff for taking the time to write about how to become a better speaker; however, if there is, then it’s in getting the opportunity to review new books. Oh, andI get the books for freewith no obligation to give a good review – how cool … Read more