What Will The Outcome Of Your Next Speech Be?

When we are asked to give a speech, we generally put a lot of time and effort into doing the best job that we can because we understand the importance of public speaking. We’ll create a speech that we think that our audience would like to hear. We’ll practice it until we think that we … Read more

When Giving A Speech, It’s All About Structure

Ok public speaker, what is the most important part of a speech? Is it what you do with your hands? Is it the amount of eye contact that you are able to achieve during a speech? Is it the clever dance moves that you’ve worked into the half-way point in your speech to show off … Read more

Tips For How To Get Your Ideas To Spread

Creating, practicing, and delivering a speech is not an easy thing to do. However, as long as we are going to the effort of doing such a thing there has to be a reason. There has to be some sort of motivation greater than the importance of public speaking for us to make the effort, … Read more

How To Get Ready To Give A Speech Faster!

Do you feel that the time that you put into preparing a speech is a badge of honor? Do you go around telling everyone about the importance of public speaking and the hours upon hours that you spent crafting your speech, then refining it, and then practicing it over and over again? If this sounds … Read more

How To Add More Humor To Your Next Speech

In a speaker’s bag of tricks, humor is one of the most powerful tools that any of us have to maximize the importance of public speaking. However, despite being powerful to use, humor is notoriously difficult to use correctly. It can be all too easy to come up with something that we think is outrageously … Read more

Public Speakers Need To Know How To Master Time

Time is a funny thing. Before we start to deliver a speech, it can seem as though we have all of the time in the world – how ever are we going to fill up the time that we’ve been given to deliver our speech in? However, once we take the stage or step into … Read more

The Speaker Whisperer – What A Dog Can Teach Us About Public Speaking

In our quest to become better speakers, we are always looking for both feedback and mentors who can show us the way. I know that I’ve looked high and low for folks who have skills that are better than mine and who are willing to take the time to show me how I can be … Read more

Could Man’s Best Friend Also Be His Best Speaking Mentor?

In our quest to become better speakers, we are always looking for both feedback and mentors who can show us the way. I know that I’ve looked high and low for folks who have skills that are better than mine and who are willing to take the time to show me how I can be … Read more