How To Get Over Your Fear Of Public Speaking

It is possible to overcome your fear of speaking in public

Let’s face it – fear is real. Most of us can easily experience fear just by thinking about getting up in front of a group of people and trying to give a speech. Our blood turns cold, we start to sweat, and our knees may even start to knock. This is not something that we … Read more

Tips To Boost Your Confidence The Next Time You Speak

Speaking well is all about being confident

Let’s face it – giving a speech can be a nerve wracking experience. Sure, you’ve created a speech and hopefully you’ve taken the time to practice it. However, when you are up there standing in front of a room of people who are all staring at you and you are thinking about the importance of … Read more

How To Break The Grip Of The Fear Of Public Speaking

Let’s face it, there are an awful lot of things that we’d all rather be doing than standing up in front of a group of people trying to give a speech. Just thinking about the importance of public speaking and doing this can cause our mouths to go dry, our hand to become clammy, and … Read more

How Writers Can Become Better Speakers

Due to the importance of public speaking, those of us who do a lot of writing often get called on to give speeches. Having the skill to put words down on paper is a great skill to have. However, it does not necessarily mean that we have the skills that are needed in order to … Read more

Too Shy, Shy – How To Overcome Your Shyness An Become A Public Speaker

When we take a look at all of the things that can hold us back from becoming the great speaker that we want to be, what always seems to be at the top of the list? More often than not, it’s a fear of public speaking. There can be many reasons for this fear, but … Read more

What Can Make A Public Speaker Nervous?

As speakers we all know that just before we get ready to stand before an audience we can become very nervous. This just seems to be a part of life despite the importance of public speaking. However, here’s the big question – why do we become so nervous all of the time and what can … Read more

A Public Speaker’s Plan To Fight Stage Fright

It’s you vs. stage fright. Who’s going to win the next time that you are asked to give a speech? It turns out that this is one battle that you can always emerge a victor from. However, in order to make this happen you are going to have to prepare yourself for battle before the … Read more