Tips To Boost Your Confidence The Next Time You Speak

Speaking well is all about being confident

Let’s face it – giving a speech can be a nerve wracking experience. Sure, you’ve created a speech and hopefully you’ve taken the time to practice it. However, when you are up there standing in front of a room of people who are all staring at you and you are thinking about the importance of … Read more

Learn To Talk Like A TED Talker

In the world of speakers, we are always looking for role models who understand the importance of public speaking and that will show us how this whole speaking thing is supposed to be done. Sure, there are the Tony Robbins of the world, but most of us don’t think that we’ll ever be able to … Read more

How To Give A Keynote That Will Be Remembered

In the world of public speaking, being asked to deliver a keynote speech is sorta the best that we can all hope to do. A keynote speech reflects the importance of public speaking and is the one speech that everyone attended the meeting to hear. If you are asked to give this speech, then you … Read more

The Art Of Matching Your Speech Title To Your Speech

If you are like most of us, the next time that you are asked to give a speech, because of the importance of public speaking you’ll probably spend a considerable amount of time working on the speech. You’ll consider your audience, pick your words, and attempt to craft a speech that will capture their attention … Read more

3 Ways That A Speaker Can Be Remembered

I’m a bit hesitant about sharing this piece of information that I’ve stumbled across with you. It turns out that a long time ago (1885), researchers discovered that when you tell someone something, despite the importance of public speaking, 70% of them will forget what you told them within one day. It gets even worse: … Read more

Public Speakers Need To Use More Sound Effects!

Every public speaker stands before his / her audience naked. Well, not exactly naked as in “no clothes”, but rather naked as in you don’t have anything standing between you and your audience. This is both wonderful (you can connect with your audience) and terrible (it’s all you, baby). In order to boost the impact … Read more