Use A Pause To Make Your Next Speech Even Better
Speakers need to understand that by adding periods of silence to their next speech they can do a better job of holding on to their audience’s attention
The Premier Blog For Quickly Improving Your Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills
Speakers need to understand that by adding periods of silence to their next speech they can do a better job of holding on to their audience’s attention
Speakers who want their speeches to be remembered by their audience need to learn how to incorporate pictures into their speeches
The goal of any speech that we give is for us to find a way to connect with our audience. If we can do this, then we’ll be able to clearly communicate our message to them. An interesting question for you is if you were in your audience listening to yourself speak, would you rather … Read more
When you stand up in front of an audience to give a speech, something happens to you. You are transformed from just another person who happens to be in the room into the person that everyone is going to be listening to. What’s interesting about this transformation is that it has to have an impact … Read more
Note: This article has been written by Philip J Reed on behalf of DexOne, creating small business marketing solutions. We all know about the importance of public speaking, but did you know that people size you up from the moment they see you? It’s not about being judgmental — at least not on purpose (in … Read more
Who do you think is the greatest communicator of all time? For most of us, we’d pick someone who has lived in the last 100 years because that’s pretty much all that we know. We’ve had some great ones in this time period: Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, etc. However, if I had to pick … Read more
Have you ever heard the expression “one size fits all“? I’m not sure what this phrase was invented to describe, but I can tell you that it sure wasn’t public speaking. Something that too many public speakers don’t realize is that you need to create different speeches for different size audiences. There is no such … Read more
So perhaps you’ve had the opportunity to do some public speaking in the past, shucks maybe this is how you are currently making your living. As with all things that we’ve done a few (or many) times, we have a tendency to start to become just a little bit, how shall I say this, complacent? … Read more