How To Become A Better Speaker

I’m pretty sure that we’d all like to find ways to become a better speaker. It turns out that this speaking stuff is actually quite hard to do. Sure, we practice creating the best speech that we can, we stand in front of a mirror for hours rehearsing how we’re going to deliver our speech, … Read more

The Secret Of How To Use A Story In A Speech

As public speakers it seems like we’ve been told forever that using stories as a part of our speech is a powerful tool. Stories are part of the importance of public speaking. However, what’s been missing from this advice is just exactly how to go about using stories in our speech. I mean, do stories … Read more

What Music Can Teach Public Speakers About Connecting With Audiences

What came first: music or the spoken word? I’d say that it would be tough call but they probably both showed up at about the same time. What this means is that we’ve been living with music for at least as long as we’ve been talking. We all know about the importance of public speaking, … Read more

3 Ways That A Speaker Can Be Remembered

I’m a bit hesitant about sharing this piece of information that I’ve stumbled across with you. It turns out that a long time ago (1885), researchers discovered that when you tell someone something, despite the importance of public speaking, 70% of them will forget what you told them within one day. It gets even worse: … Read more

How To Clear Up A Bad Case Of “The Blanks”

That memory of ours can be a fickle thing. One moment we know exactly what we’re going to say next because we’ve practiced it 100 times, and then the next moment we’re drawing a complete blank – we can’t remember what we wanted to say for the life of us. As a public speaker, this … Read more

Arrgh! Isn’t There A Law Against Giving Bad Presentations?

I probably need to apologize in advance for this rant — I’ve finally reached my breaking point. I somehow got myself trapped in a presentation on changes to my 401k retirement program. I guess that I should start by admitting that I really can’t think of a much more boring topic to talk about in … Read more