How Can A Speaker Be Funny Across Cultures?

Being funny is hard, being funny across cultures is really hard

As speakers we all understand just how tricky humor can be to deal with. If we want to make things just a little bit more tricky, we can introduce the challenge of trying to deliver a speech to people who belong to a different culture than we do and all of a sudden the whole … Read more

Public Speakers Want To Know How To Be Funny

If there is anything that we would like to happen during our next speech then it is to be remembered. How to go about making that happen is something that we spend a great deal of time trying to figure out. We know about the importance of public speaking and so we use fancy words, … Read more

How Public Speakers Can Deal With A Lost Train Of Thought

I’m not sure if it’s because I’m getting older or if there is some other reason for it, but more than once when I’ve been about half-way through a speech, I’ve lost my train of thought. I mean it was just there – I knew what I wanted to say and then poof – it … Read more

5 Ways To Make Speech Humor Work

Humor is hard. Humor in speeches is extra hard. However, humor is also a key part of getting your audience to realize the importance of public speaking. Your chances of connecting with your audience and getting your point across increases dramatically if you can work humor into your next speech. What’s a speaker to do? … Read more

2 Tips For Making Any Audience Laugh

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make your next audience laugh. Good luck! We all know that humor is a powerful tool in the hands of a speaker; however, we all also know that on top of all of the other presentation tips that you are trying to get right, it’s … Read more