How Much Of You Is Too Much?

When we give a speech, one of our main goals is to find a way to use the importance of public speaking to connect with our audience. We want to open ourselves up to them and let them know that we are just like them. One way that speakers go about doing this is to … Read more

Get Your Audience’s Attention By Bragging, Just Don’t Be A Jerk About It

As a speaker, we have an obligation when we are starting our speech to find a way to use the importance of public speaking to capture our audience’s attention. What we need to do is to convince them that what we are about to tell them is actually important enough for them to spend the … Read more

3 Secrets Speakers Use To Add Stories To Their Speeches

Does your next audience really want to hear your speech? I mean really, what are they going to be doing after you are done speaking? You know about the importance of public speaking, but do they? Would they rather just get to that next thing and skip your speech? For many speakers this can be … Read more

Mnemonic Devices Come To The Aid Of Public Speakers

You’ve got great ideas trapped in you. You know the importance of public speaking and you want to use your speaking skills to make your audience’s lives better. The problem is that if you aren’t careful, what you say during your speech will just go in one ear and out the next. How can you … Read more