Speakers Need To Know When Too Much Is Too Much

Data is wonderful, but you need to learn to show, not tell when using statistics

Don’t get me wrong – data is a wonderful thing. However, as speakers we need to be very careful when we encounter data that we want to share with our audience. It can be too easy to just back the truck up and dump a lot of facts and figures onto our audience with the … Read more

How Speakers Can Stop Using Filler Words

Audience’s want a speech without a lot of filler

I bet that your next speech is going to be great! You’ve got an exciting topic, your audience wants to hear what you have to say, and you’ve created a speech that virtually crackles with great content. However, you can still blow this speech and take away from the importance of public speaking. If instead … Read more

Get Your Audience’s Attention By Bragging, Just Don’t Be A Jerk About It

As a speaker, we have an obligation when we are starting our speech to find a way to use the importance of public speaking to capture our audience’s attention. What we need to do is to convince them that what we are about to tell them is actually important enough for them to spend the … Read more

Only Great Ideas Should Go Into Your Next Speech

When you sit down to prepare your next speech, do you know what the most important thing that you are going to need is? It turns out that it’s not a clean sheet of paper, nor a sharp pencil. Nor is it a quiet place to work although all of these things are important, they … Read more

It’s All About The Introductions…

Did you know that how well a speech is going to turn out can be determined before you even open your mouth? It turns out that introductions are one of the most important things that that set the tone for a speech. If done correctly, then you’re going to have an easy time coming out … Read more

Speaker Alert: Make Me Laugh — Or Else

Stop. How funny was the last speech that you gave? What – you were talking about how best to diversify a 401k basket of investments in order to incorporate more foreign exchange funds & there’s nothing funny about that? Wrong. You’re not trying hard enough. Stop being not funny. Learn To Be Funny From A … Read more