Lies That Speakers Tell To Themselves

The ability to tell a tall tale can make a speech more memorable

Honesty is soooo overrated. When we are asked to give a speech, we know what we need to do in order to deliver a good speech. We need to make sure that we know who will be in the audience, we have to sit down and create a speech that will allow us use the … Read more

What’s The Best Way To Give A Remote Presentation?

Times are changing and our presentations are becoming remote presentations

Welcome to our modern world where everything seems to be changing all the time! Back in the old days, we used to be able to show up at an event that consisted of a room filled with an audience. We’d take the stage, deliver a speech, interact with our audience, and then go home and … Read more

How Speakers Can Create Killer Presentations

Speakers have limited time, we need to make our presentations work

Let’s face it – when we give a speech, we don’t want to go in there defenseless. If it was just going to be us standing on a stage talking with an audience, we’d all feel rather exposed. To provide ourselves with a sense of cover, we often show up with a deck of slides … Read more

How Can A Speaker Be Funny Across Cultures?

Being funny is hard, being funny across cultures is really hard

As speakers we all understand just how tricky humor can be to deal with. If we want to make things just a little bit more tricky, we can introduce the challenge of trying to deliver a speech to people who belong to a different culture than we do and all of a sudden the whole … Read more

Everything Is Better When You Do It As A Group!

Group presentations require a different type of speech preparation

By now I’m pretty sure that most of us are somewhat comfortable with the concept of giving a speech by ourselves. Yes, it can be a very nerve racking thing to do, but over time we get used to the process of understanding the importance of public speaking and accepting the opportunity, creating a speech, … Read more

Apps For Speakers: Which Ones Are Best For You?

Welcome to the 21st Century! Even as we enter into what appears to be an almost all-digital age, it turns out that the art of being able to give a speech to an audience is still in high demand and people still appreciate the importance of public speaking. What we need to learn how to … Read more

A Different Way To Do Presentations: Prezi

Every presentation that we give is an opportunity for us to use the importance of public speaking tocapture our audience’s imagination and get them to believe in whatever we are telling them about. However, making this happen seems to becoming harder and harder. I’m not sure why, but the arrival of cell phones with big … Read more

How To Use Slides During A Presentation

Pick up just about any book that you find at the store about how to become a better speaker and you’ll probably find a chapter (or two!) that talk about the dangers of using PowerPoint or Keynote slides as a part of your next speech. I agree that there are a lot of different things … Read more

6 Tips For Making PowerPoint Work With Your Next Speech, Not Against It

How many times have you been asked to give a speech and the way that you got ready for it was to sit down and create a whole bunch of PowerPoint (or Keynote) slides? Yep, I’ve done the same thing. Hopefully we all know that a speech is really so much more than just a … Read more

Stop! Public Speakers Need To Step Away From The PowerPoint…

When somebody asks you to give a speech do you start thinking about the PowerPoint (or Keynote for you Mac users) slides that you’ll have to create? Do you ask the person how long the speech needs to be just in order to determine how many slides that you’ll need to make? Stop! Maybe it’s … Read more