Delivering Captivating Speeches

How to deliver a memorable presentation that your audience will remember

If there is one thing that every speaker wants, it’s to be remembered in a good way. We’ve gone to the effort to create, practice and then deliver a speech and we would like to use the importance of public speaking to ensure that there will be a lasting impact for our effort. The good … Read more

How To Create Slides That Will Convince Your Audience

You want your slides to help you to make a powerful pitch

When we give a speech, we want to accomplish something. We want to be effective in using the importance of public speaking to get our audience to start to look at their world just a little bit differently. We want our words to have connected with them and caused them to open their eyes just … Read more

How Speakers Can Create Killer Presentations

Speakers have limited time, we need to make our presentations work

Let’s face it – when we give a speech, we don’t want to go in there defenseless. If it was just going to be us standing on a stage talking with an audience, we’d all feel rather exposed. To provide ourselves with a sense of cover, we often show up with a deck of slides … Read more

Fast Ways To Jump-Start Your Speech Writing Process

Sometimes we all need a little help to get things started

This has pretty much happened to all of us at one time or another. We’ve agreed to give a speech and eventually we sit down to write the speech and then bang – nothing comes into our mind. We draw a blank. We might know what we’ve been asked to talk about, we might know … Read more

3 Secrets To Giving A Great Toast

One of the biggest problems with being a person who has given speeches before is that all too quickly people will start to think of you as “that person who gives speeches”. It really doesn’t matter if you are comfortable doing this or not, the simple fact that everyone knows that you’ve done it before … Read more

Hey Speaker – What’s Your Point?

What’s the worst thing that speaker can do when delivering a speech? Not get to the point! Your audience is left wondering just exactly why they were willing to sit there though your speech when it seems as though there was no real reason for you to give the speech. What this means is that … Read more