Delivering Captivating Speeches

How to deliver a memorable presentation that your audience will remember

If there is one thing that every speaker wants, it’s to be remembered in a good way. We’ve gone to the effort to create, practice and then deliver a speech and we would like to use the importance of public speaking to ensure that there will be a lasting impact for our effort. The good … Read more

How To Impress Your Next Audience

Yes, your audience heard you, but were they impressed?

Let’s face it – you are not the first presenter your audience has ever seen. In fact, they have probably seen lots of other presenters. However, you would like to be able to use the importance of public speaking to become the presenter that your audience remembers. You’d like this to happen if you are … Read more

How To Host A Panel Session That Won’t Put Your Audience To Sleep

Your panel sessions have to be interesting or else...

The next time that you are asked to host a panel session, are you going to be ready? We all understand the importance of public speaking and as speakers what we need to do in order to both grab and then keep the attention of our audience. However, with a panel session, even if you … Read more

Creating A Speech That Works From The Ground Up

When you are asked to give a speech, what is the first thing that you do when you sit down to create the speech? Do you spend time thinking about the overall body the speech that you want to give? Do you focus on how you’ll want to wrap things up? Does your mind go … Read more

What Happens To Your Speech When You’re Done Talking?

Creating a speech is hard work. You take the time to understand who you will be talking to, what they want you to talk about, and how long you’ll have to talk. You then craft a fantastic opening line, outline a speech that will allow you to make whatever point you want to make, and … Read more