How To Support A Speaker

You can make a difference when someone else speaks

As speakers, we tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the importance of public speaking and how we speak. We try to find ways to connect with our audience and we try to be aware of anything that we are doing that might take away from our speech. However, it turns out that … Read more

Delivering Captivating Speeches

How to deliver a memorable presentation that your audience will remember

If there is one thing that every speaker wants, it’s to be remembered in a good way. We’ve gone to the effort to create, practice and then deliver a speech and we would like to use the importance of public speaking to ensure that there will be a lasting impact for our effort. The good … Read more

Are You Able To Hurry Up And Speak?

Just how fast can you give a speech?

So we can all speak. However, how many of us can speak fast? I mean really fast? We all understand that when we are asked to give a speech, we are generally given an amount of time that we can use to deliver our speech. All too often, things change – the event started late, … Read more

Use Your Hands To Deliver A Powerful Speech

Wouldn’t it be great if the next time that you took the stage to deliver a speech, you could have somebody else come up there to help you out to communicate the importance of public speaking? This other person would always know what you were trying to say next and they would take action to … Read more

Limited Time Means Faster Speech Creation Skills Are Needed

How long did it take you to create the last speech that you gave? No, I’m not talking about the time that you spent rehearsing, just the time that you spent figuring out what you were going to say and how you were going to say it. Hmm, now I’ve got a question for you: … Read more

How A Speaker Can Become Quotable

So why do we speakers go to the effort of giving a speech in the first place? Hopefully it is so that what we say will be remembered by our audience if they are willing to use their listening skills. The sad reality is that no matter what clever presentation tips we use, most of … Read more