Is It Time To Get A Speaking Mentor?

In order to get a mentor, you have to become someone they would want to work with

Every speaker eventually reaches a point where they are the best that they can be. They’ve reached a point where their skills and their knowledge can no longer take them to the next level in speaking. All too often speakers just stop here – they will never get any better. However, it does not have … Read more

Speakers Learn The Secret To Talking About Themselves

It turns out that your story is really about the people who have made you you

Let’s face it – the most interesting story that you have to tell is the one that you tell about yourself. At some point in time during your speaking career, you will undoubtedly be asked to give a speech about yourself. Now the good news here is that you are not going to have to … Read more

How A Speaker Can Become A Speechwriter

If you give speeches, then you are qualified to write speeches

So you are a speaker. Congratulations. What’s your next step now? Have you ever thought about writing speeches for somebody else? I mean, you can write a pretty good speech for yourself, why not do it for somebody else? You might decide to do this simply because you are a nice person and you want … Read more

How A Speaker Can Help Others To Become Better

Speakers have an obligation to help others to become better speakers

Let’s face it. The world is filled with a lot of people who are not very good speakers. We have a chance to hear these people speak all the time. Since we have become at least comfortable with speaking if not pretty good at it, what all of this means is that because of the … Read more

What You’ve Never Been Taught About Being A Successful Speaker

Once you get over the shakes and nerves that go along with standing in front of a group of people and delivering a speech, your next big challenge is going to be finding ways to get better in order to maximize importance of public speaking. Deep down inside, what each one of us would like … Read more

5 Tips For Improving Your English When Speaking

I speak English. Unfortunately, all I can speak is English. However, the good news is that I do a pretty good job of speaking English. Whenever I have an opportunity to hear a non-native English speaker deliver a speech, I often find myself starting to think that despite the importance of public speaking how they … Read more

Good Public Speakers Are Really Good Models

In order to become a better public speaker than you are right now, just exactly what do you have to do? If you are like most of us, you probably said “become more like…” and named a famous public speaker that you admire. Well guess what, that person is going to help you to reach … Read more