Make Your Next Speech Better With A Single Sentence

Take the time to think about what you really want to say

As speakers, we all know that creating a great speech is hard work. All too often we can sit down to start to create a speech and have no clear idea where we are trying to go or just exactly what points we want to be making while we deliver our speech despite our understanding … Read more

How To Become A Better Presenter

There is both an art and a science to giving good presentations

When we are asked to give a presentation, one of the key questions that runs through our head is “what is the best way to go about doing this”. I wish that I could tell you that there was just one thing that you needed to make sure that you did in order to ensure … Read more

Keys To Creating A Great Speech

Make sure that your speech has a central message for your audience

Nobody ever said that giving a speech was going to be something that would be easy to do, but sometimes it sure seems like it is a lot harder than it should be. What makes creating a speech so hard to do is what we want the speech to do for us: we want to … Read more

Creating A Clear Message For Your Next Speech

If you are going to be willing to go to the effort of creating, practicing, and then delivering a speech, you may as well make sure that your audience experiences the importance of public speaking and understands you. What’s it going to take in order to make this happen? For one thing, the speech that … Read more

The Best Way To Deliver Bad News

Guess what? There is bad news out there and sometimes it’s going to be your job to deliver it to an audience. Nope, this is not going to be an easy thing to do; however, it does need to be done and you are going to have to make sure that you do a good … Read more

How To Tell A Political Story

If you are like me, you don’t really seek out politicians to add to your list of friends. However, whenever an issue comes up that we really care about, all of a sudden we have a habit of becoming very, very interested in politics. As speakers, we need to realize that politicians are also speakers … Read more