Use The Power Of Song To Make A Better Speech
Speakers need to take the time to study how musicians connect with their audience and then use the same techniques to create better speeches
The Premier Blog For Quickly Improving Your Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills
Speakers need to take the time to study how musicians connect with their audience and then use the same techniques to create better speeches
The one thing that I think that I can say that everyone will agree with me about is that when we go to the trouble of giving a speech, we want to be remembered. In order to make this happen, what we say has to use the importance of public speaking to connect with our … Read more
So why do we give speeches? In all honesty, there are probably a bunch of different reasons. These reasons can range from trying to use the importance of public speaking to provide our audience with new information that they don’t have to trying to win them over to our way of thinking. No matter why … Read more
So how do you feel about your audience? Do you like them? Maybe we can take this one step further – do you love them? Do you want them to love you? When you consider the fact that your audience probably has never met you before, this might seem like a bit of a stretch … Read more
Giving a speech can be a pretty lonely event. I mean, there you are up on the stage delivering your presentation and if you are not connecting with your audience then they’ll get bored and their attention will wander. This will leave you standing in front of everyone pretty much all by yourself wondering what … Read more
Not all speakers are equipped with a voice that could be heard in the back of a larger room. Back in the days before electricity, this was a big deal – only the very loud speakers had any chance of keeping the attention of an audience of any size and sharing the importance of public … Read more
There are leaders, and then there are inspiring leaders. Leaders do an ok job of telling people to do what they need them to do, Inspiring leaders make people want to do what they tell them about. There is a very big difference. Inspiring leaders very clearly are completely passionate about what they are talking … Read more
One of my favorite experts in the world of making presentations is lady named Nancy Duarte. She runs a company called Duarte Inc which specializes in helping presenters get their message across using great visuals and she really understands the importance of public speaking. The company’s biggest claim to fame so far is that they … Read more
Guess what? There is bad news out there and sometimes it’s going to be your job to deliver it to an audience. Nope, this is not going to be an easy thing to do; however, it does need to be done and you are going to have to make sure that you do a good … Read more