How To Make Sure Your Next Speech Will Be A Success!

You can make your next speech turn out to be a success

Every speaker wants their next speech to be a successful speech. We do the things that we know that we have to do: we select a topic, write a speech, practice it, and then we end up just hoping that the importance of public speaking will make everything work out for us. However, it turns … Read more

All The World’s A Stage – Are You Using Yours?

Your stage is a big visual aid just waiting to be used

As speakers, when we are standing in front of an audience, we are actually pretty naked. All that we have to work with when we are giving our speech are the words that are tumbling out of our mouths, some hand gestures, and perhaps some props that we’ve brought along. That’s pretty much it as … Read more

When Giving A Speech, It’s All About First Impressions

In order to deliver a successful speech, you have to make a good first impression

As speakers, we know that if we want to give a good speech we need to take the time to prepare for it. This means that we need to create a theme for our speech, we need to create a great opening, work in some physical gestures, and include the proper amount of vocal variety. … Read more

A Speaker’s Best Friend And Worst Enemy: The Microphone

A microphone is a powerful tool, but you have to know how to use it

How good of yeller are you? I mean, if you were giving a speech in a really big room that was crowded with people, could you yell your speech loud enough to make sure that even the people in the back could hear what you were saying? If you are like me, you might be … Read more

How To Make Microphones Work With You, Not Against You

Microphones can be a speaker's best friend when used correctly

Not all speakers are equipped with a voice that could be heard in the back of a larger room. Back in the days before electricity, this was a big deal – only the very loud speakers had any chance of keeping the attention of an audience of any size and sharing the importance of public … Read more

When Starting A Speech, It’s All About Nesting

During what part of your speech do you have the most power? A lot of speakers would say that it’s the last few minutes of their speech because if they’ve done their job then thanks to the importance of public speaking they now have the audience’s attention and what they say will be remembered after … Read more

Speaker Meet Your New Best Friend: The Lectern

As a speaker, almost every speech that you give will be different from the speech that you gave last time. However, there is one thing that will be common from speech to speech – you’ll probably find yourself standing behind a lectern. This means that you’re going to have to learn how to use this … Read more

10 Professional Speaking Tips That You Need To Know

Editor’s Note: This article has been selected to be included in Angela DeFinis’ “Public Speaking And The New Year” Blog Carnival. This Carnival can be found online at: Happy New Year! As we start yet another a new year, you may be asking yourself what is the best way for me to become a … Read more