How To Become A Better Presenter

There is both an art and a science to giving good presentations

When we are asked to give a presentation, one of the key questions that runs through our head is “what is the best way to go about doing this”. I wish that I could tell you that there was just one thing that you needed to make sure that you did in order to ensure … Read more

How You Write Determines How You Speak

As public speakers, because we know about the importance of public speaking, we are always looking for ways to become better speakers. We can watch other speakers, read books on public speaking, or take courses. It turns out that there is a simple skill that we already have that if we take the time to … Read more

Speakers Learn To Make Tasty Speeches By Adding Just The Right Spices

What will your audience remember longer: your next speech or a great meal that they’ve just had? I hate to admit it, but I’m willing to bet that despite the importance of public speaking, the meal has a better chance to stay on their mind than our speeches. Why is that? Could it be that … Read more