How To Tell Stories As A Part Of A Speech

When told correctly, stories can captivate an audience

As speakers, every time that we deliver a speech, we’d like to be able to use the importance of public speaking to draw our audience into our speech. We’d like to make it so that they experience what we are telling them. A great way to make this happen is to include stories in our … Read more

Speakers Learn To Make Tasty Speeches By Adding Just The Right Spices

What will your audience remember longer: your next speech or a great meal that they’ve just had? I hate to admit it, but I’m willing to bet that despite the importance of public speaking, the meal has a better chance to stay on their mind than our speeches. Why is that? Could it be that … Read more

Why A Public Speaker’s Favorite Number Is 3

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked to create and deliver a speech with very little time to prepare for it. Sure, if we had all of the time in the world we could craft a fantastically worded speech and then practice, practice, practice until we were able to deliver it perfectly. … Read more

Learn How To Get Over Your Fear Of Pecha Kucha

So how hip and cool are you? If you are both hip and cool, then I don’t even have to tell you what “Pecha Kucha” is because you already know. If, however, you are like the rest of us, then you might be scratching your head right about now and saying something like “I’ve never … Read more