Master The Elevator Speech Pitch

Elevator speeches don’t always have to be given in an elevator

So here’s a quick question for you: have you ever head of an “elevator pitch”? If you haven’t, then perhaps I should introduce to you what it is and why it should be important to all of us. The thinking behind an elevator pitch is exactly what its title implies. The thinking is that if … Read more

What to Do After a Car Accident Injury: A 9 Step Guide

What to Do After a Car Accident Injury: A 9 Step Guide

One of my favorite types of speeches to give is the process speech. You know what I’m talking about: its when you have a step-by-step way of doing things that you want to share with your audience. When we give these types of speeches, it almost seems as though the speech writes itself. We start … Read more

How to Find a Divorce Lawyer in Five Easy Steps

How to Find a Divorce Lawyer in Five Easy Steps

When we give a speech, we are generally speaking to an audience. An audience is made up of many different people. However, sometimes the message that we are trying to deliver is a very personal message. What this means is that although we may be addressing a large audience, what we are really doing is … Read more

Why Do People Drink and Drive: An Investigation

Why Do People Drink and Drive: An Investigation

We all understand the power of giving a speech. Sometimes we are provided with an opportunity to talk to people that we want to convince to take action. When we give speeches like this we need to take the time to craft a speech that is going to cause our audience to become dissatisfied with … Read more

Can You Sue for Emotional Abuse?

Can You Sue for Emotional Abuse

One of the most difficult speeches for any of us to give is one that is loaded with a great deal of emotion. We need to understand that the topic that we will be discussing can cause our audience to have significant reactions to our words. When we are asked to give this type of … Read more