Master The Elevator Speech Pitch

Elevator speeches don’t always have to be given in an elevator

So here’s a quick question for you: have you ever head of an “elevator pitch”? If you haven’t, then perhaps I should introduce to you what it is and why it should be important to all of us. The thinking behind an elevator pitch is exactly what its title implies. The thinking is that if … Read more

How To Win An Audience Over To Your Side

Think for a moment about the last time that you gave a speech. When you first started your speech, was your audience on your side? Did they share your view of the world? Or, more likely, did you have some supporters but most of the people in your audience were adopting a “wait and see” … Read more

How To Create A Motivational Speech

As public speakers we get asked to give all different types of speeches. One of the most commonly requested types of speeches is the motivational speech. This is a speech that is designed to make a very specific impact on your audience: you want to leave them feeling better about themselves – clearly this has … Read more

Hey Speaker – What’s Your Point?

What’s the worst thing that speaker can do when delivering a speech? Not get to the point! Your audience is left wondering just exactly why they were willing to sit there though your speech when it seems as though there was no real reason for you to give the speech. What this means is that … Read more