10 Tips For Becoming A Public Speaker Who Can Talk About Money

Money – it’s a love / hate thing. We all would like to have lots of the stuff; however, most people (us included) would probably rather lose a finger than have to sit though yet another incredibly boring presentation about the green stuff. Why is this? It’s actually pretty easy to understand what’s wrong with … Read more

A Public Speaker’s Tips For Writing A Speech

Go to any book store and you’ll find a 6″ long section of books that promise to teach you how to deliver a speech in public better. What’s all to often missing from this avalanche of advice is any real guidance on how to create a speech that will work for your audience. No matter … Read more

4 Things A Public Speaker Needs To Know About WebConferencing

So is delivering a presentation over the web easier or harder than delivering it to a live audience? Just to make sure that we’re all on the same page, let’s agree on what webconferencing is (hint: it’s not sending your PowerPoint presentation to someone via email). For our purposes, we can define webconferencing as a … Read more

Welcome To The Pod: Tips On Podcasting For Public Speakers

So speaking in front of a real, live audience is a great way to communicate. However, we don’t always get to control the world that we live in and so sometimes it’s just not possible to have you (the speaker) in the same place as all of the people who need to hear your message … Read more

Public Speaking Problem: Too Many Questions (From One Person)!

As though speaking in public was not difficult enough! Just about every technical presentation ends up with the obligatory “Question & Answers” opportunity for the audience at the end of the speech. There are actually three ways your presentation can go at this point in time: (1) nobody asks any questions – sorta embarrassing, but … Read more