5 Ways To Deliver A Disastrous Presentation

So you can find self-help info on how to deliver better presentations just about anywhere on the web (including this blog!); however, where can you find guidance on how to really deliver a disastrous presentation? Well fear not, that’s what we’ll cover today… Monica is one of my friends who is a professional speaker by … Read more

Arrgh! Isn’t There A Law Against Giving Bad Presentations?

I probably need to apologize in advance for this rant — I’ve finally reached my breaking point. I somehow got myself trapped in a presentation on changes to my 401k retirement program. I guess that I should start by admitting that I really can’t think of a much more boring topic to talk about in … Read more

“Once Upon A Time…” – The Role Of Storytelling In Business Communication

By Dr. Jim Anderson In the eternal quest to communicate better and have our message “stick” with our audience, a powerful tool is often overlooked by us technical types. A good story, told at the right time, in the right way, to the right audience can have a lasting effect that can transform an organization. … Read more

Quick Hit: Top 10 Tips To Remember When Writing A Speech

You might think that you have the most amazing information to share with your audience; however, if you don’t structure your speech correctly, your message will never “stick” with them. As we’ve already talked about, you need to have a strong opening and closing in order to get your message across. Here’s 10 tips to … Read more

How To Get Your Message To Stick w/ Everyone!

How many times has this happened: you’ve got an important message to get across, you work hard to put together the best presentation that you can, you practice-practice-practice, and then when you finally deliver your piece de resistance you can clearly see that some folks in the audience are getting it while others have tuned … Read more