How To Add Humor To A Speech
Speakers who want to add humor to their next speech should use a humor checklist to make sure that they’ll get the laughs that they are looking for
The Premier Blog For Quickly Improving Your Public Speaking, Presentation & Communication Skills
Speakers who want to add humor to their next speech should use a humor checklist to make sure that they’ll get the laughs that they are looking for
One of the most difficult things that a speaker can make happen is to get his or her next audience to laugh during the speech that they are giving. No, I’m not talking about having your audience laugh AT you, instead I’m talking about trying to get them to laugh WITH you. Some of us … Read more
I don’t know about you, but my life is ruled by checklists. What this means is that once I’ve done something once and figured out the steps that are involved in doing it, I’ll make a checklist so that the next time that I do it I won’t forget anything. As speakers there are times … Read more