How To Become A Speaker Who Is An Online Leader

Remember the old days? Those were the days when we’d write a speech, travel to where we were going to be giving it, wait for our time to talk, get up on stage and deliver our speech, and then drive home? Well, welcome to the 21st Century. Now that so much can be done online, … Read more

Starting A Speech Off On The Right Foot

When it comes time to give a speech, since we are aware of the importance of public speaking we tend to spend a lot of time thinking about how we want things to end up. It turns out that although this is important, perhaps what we really should be doing is spending more time worrying … Read more

The Speaker Whisperer – What A Dog Can Teach Us About Public Speaking

In our quest to become better speakers, we are always looking for both feedback and mentors who can show us the way. I know that I’ve looked high and low for folks who have skills that are better than mine and who are willing to take the time to show me how I can be … Read more

Could Man’s Best Friend Also Be His Best Speaking Mentor?

In our quest to become better speakers, we are always looking for both feedback and mentors who can show us the way. I know that I’ve looked high and low for folks who have skills that are better than mine and who are willing to take the time to show me how I can be … Read more

It’s A Dog’s Life: What Dogs Can Teach Us About Public Speaking

In our quest to become better speakers, we are always looking for both feedback and mentors who can show us the way. I know that I’ve looked high and low for folks who have skills that are better than mine and who are willing to take the time to show me how I can be … Read more

Secrets To Successful Speaking That My Dog Has Taught Me

In our quest to become better speakers, we are always looking for both feedback and mentors who can show us the way. I know that I’ve looked high and low for folks who have skills that are better than mine and who are willing to take the time to show me how I can be … Read more